
Hi,👋 I'm Dilshanka Liyanage

I'm freelance full-stack web developer based in Sri Lanka


I am a passionate and skilled Full-Stack Web Developer with 5+ years experience. I'm crafting dynamic and responsive web applications specializing in a robust tech stack that includes React, Typescript, NextJS, Golang, AWS, and SEO

And I like to work with no-code and low-code tools like webflow, squarespace and wix.

Currently I am working as a technical consultant at Clev Digital Co.

.Selected Works

Here is my previous works

These web projects are mainly developed with nextjs static site generator and Wordpress CMS


Purple Weddings

Godage Bookstore

Visa Consult Co UK

Villa by Tamarind Shade

2024 | Powered by Nextjs & Cloudflare

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